CPA Print

1. corpus code

to be assigned later

2. relation to


3. short name/acronym


4. title

Cape Pidgins Archive – under construction

5. type of text(s)

{legal / administrative / travelogues / literature / ego}

6. carrier

{original manuscript / print)

7.well-localized in time


8. well-localized in place


9. period/year

{1590-1885; possibly extended:  1488-1885}

10. region/location

South Africa

11. Kloeke code


12. language

{Cape English Pidgin / Cape Dutch Pidgin / later varieties of the latter; linguistic context: Dutch / German / English / French  / Latin / Danish / Icelandic, possibly also Portuguese if the period is extended backwards}

13. creator

{Hans den Besten  / University of Amsterdam / since the 1990s}

14. contact

{Hans den Besten, Linguistics,  University of Amsterdam}

15. tagged


16. lemmatized


17. parsed


18. web access


19. web link


20. printed edition

ISBN ---

21.scientific description

{quoted in papers by Den Besten}

22.externally copyrighted


23. file format


24. character code
